What is Ecotherapy?

Ecotherapy, or nature therapy, is about being outdoors, using nature to compliment counselling sessions. Talking about what you notice outdoors in your counselling sessions can help you to understand more about what is going on for you right now.

How does Ecotherapy (Nature therapy) work?

  • Being outside connects us to nature, the here and now.
  • Using your senses in the surroundings connects mind and body.
  • It gives an opportunity for self-reflection
  • Creates a sense of calm and brings awareness to how you are feeling right now.
  • It can be easier to talk about your worries when walking, moving around.
  • exploring nature leads to exploring you own thoughts.


Using Mindfulness outdoors is about paying close and full attention to something in your awareness, to still a busy mind, focusing on your breath. Examples are: listening to the birds, feeling the breeze on your face, feeling the ground underfoot, touching leaves of a tree. Using your senses helps you to be focus on how you feel right now.


  • Be comfortable, dress for the weather, being cold, wet, or too hot, distracts from being able to fully focus on what is around you.
  • Being outdoors may evoke memories, which is where my role as your therapist can be useful, to explore sad, and happy memories, to help you to understand, and to learn about  your feelings.

Contact me for more information or to book.


Take a look with me at what Ecotherapy is and how it can benefit you.