Claire’s Exercises for the Hips and Legs

Getting Older Gracefully

Getting Older Gracefully

We are living longer. Nurturing our bodies and our minds is important so we can do all the things we want to do, for as long as possible. Increasing activity helps to keep your body running like a well-oiled machine: parts can seize up if they are not used.  Keep moving! Dancing to music is proven to be the best mind and body exercise going. A combination of yoga-inspired stretching and dance really improve energy levels, fitness and strength.

Maintaining a youthful outlook on life knocks years off your ‘real’ age. Apparently ’60 is the new 40′. We have the opportunity to look and feel 10 or 20 years younger with regular exercise. Improve your complexion by exercising regularly and drinking plenty of water.

Being fit helps balance and posture. It improves and prolongs quality of life, as well as exercising the brain. Practice makes perfect and improves co-ordination. It may seem daunting to take up a new activity, but self-confidence will grow as you become physically fitter.

Joining a class is a great way to meet new friends. Loneliness can be an issue as we age. It can be difficult to take the plunge to start a new activity, but exercising in a friendly and fun environment can really uplift the spirits. Feeling happy on the inside reflects in your face, and passes joy to others too!

Exercise Classes in Market Lavington and Devizes

The Importance of Good Posture

The Importance of Good Posture

Being aware of good posture on a daily basis has many health benefits. Tension can build up in the body so easily, causing postural changes. You can get rounded shoulders from spending hours hunched over a computer, or tension in the neck from driving.  Backache can be brought on by lifting, carrying heavy shopping bags, gardening, or spending a long time sitting down. Joints and ligaments are put under duress in sports. Poor posture increases this impact and reduces performance.

Ideally attending an exercise class, such as FLexercise which focuses on posture, and maintain the correct alignment of the spine while exercising. With understanding of good posture, this can be checked at home, by looking in a mirror.

What can good posture do for you?


Being aware of how you are sitting, at home or at work, prevents back ache. It reduces tension in the neck and shoulders and improves the function of internal organs. Feeling less tired is aided by improved breathing technique- slouching over a desk prevents the lungs from being used fully.


Standing tall improves confidence, and gives the appearance of being slimmer, even dropping a dress size: a sure way to get that ‘feel good factor! Lengthening the spine, and keeping the hips and shoulders in alignment, firming the central part of the trunk, the core muscles, giving more tone to the body. Being aware of maintaining an upright posture when standing improves overall balance, walking technique and the health and alignment of the feet. Paying attention to action of the feet, how they support the body, has a huge impact on overall posture, and the spine.


Correct posture in sport reduces strain on joints and ensures muscles work properly. It decreases stress on tendons and ligaments and improves muscle strength. Body function is improved, as is core strength and mobility. Muscles can work better: they develop strength, particularly in the back and stomach muscles, and the core.

Counselling and Reiki in Market Lavington – Devizes – Wiltshire

I offer psycho-therapeutic counselling in a private setting, in the village of Market Lavington, near Devizes, Wiltshire.

 My work is founded on my own life experience, which led me understand the value of having someone to talk to when life gets too much to cope with alone.


Therapy room
Therapy room

As an Integrative therapist,  I use a holistic approach, to improve your physical and mental health, taking into account how traumatic events impact on our whole being.  When we feel emotionally stressed, this has an impact on the body. Bodily symptoms and feelings are invaluable in exploring the causes of distress. Once sense can be made of how we feel in the present, progress can be made into looking forwards with more positivity and joy..


I offer Psychotherapy and Reiki, as required, which can have a positive effect on the body’s energy, releasing tension and stress.





I have both indoor and outdoor facilities, with options for outdoor therapy, with the healing qualities of being in nature and around animals.

  • FREE introductory phone call (20 minutes)
  •  On-line  sessions on Zoom 
  • Face-to-face counselling









wiltshire-counselling-reiki-wiltshire-counsellor-reiki-wiltshire-counsellor- reiki